Bloomberg Economics forecasts that the proportion of China's high-tech industry in the gross domestic product will grow from ...
编者按:近日,印度中国经济文化促进会秘书长穆罕默德·萨奇布在“金砖国家与多极世界2024对话会”上发言指出,金砖国家在构建新型多边机制方面存在的主要问题是缺乏政治意愿、缺乏明确的合作重点和有效的解决机制。需要中国作为领导者,促进成员国之间更多的互动与 ...
China has remained the world's largest goods trading country for seven years, and the world's largest exporter and ...
"To understand China, the key lies in understanding Chinese modernization." The "Understand China" program produced by People's Daily Online interprets a real, multidimensional and comprehensive China ...
智通财经APP获悉,贝莱德基础股票(BlackRock Fundamental Equities)欧洲、中东和非洲地区首席投资官朱厄尔(Helen Jewell)表示,全球企业对今年剩余时间的盈利预期似乎较为乐观,不过股市目前或许也能够消化盈利预期轻微下调的影响。 朱厄尔表示,对2024年的利润预测已被“推迟”到下半年,“如果这一预测开始小幅下滑,我不会感到惊讶。”她表示,这并不一定意味着市场会下 ...
党中央、国务院高度重视网络数据安全管理工作。党的二十届三中全会强调,提升数据安全治理监管能力,建立高效便利安全的数据跨境流动机制。近年来,随着信息技术和人们生产生活交汇融合,数据处理活动更加频繁,数据安全风险日益聚焦在网络数据领域,违法处理网络数据活 ...
BEIJING, Oct. 4 (Xinhua) -- China will continue to build and refine its mechanism for resolving international commercial disputes, ensuring equal protection of the legitimate rights and interests of ...
190位诺贝尔化学奖得主中,有8位女性。分别是1911年的居里夫人(居里夫人另外还获得1903年的物理学奖)、1935年的Irène Joliot-Curie、1964年的Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin、2009年的Ada ...
The top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) said the country would use all offensive forces, including ...
During the High-level Week of the 79th UN General Assembly in New York, climate change has once again become a central global ...